April...The following regions were selected
for study as potential targets: Tokyo Bay, Kawasaki, Yokohama, Nagoya,
Osaka, Kobe, Kyoto, Hiroshima, Kure, Yahata, Kokura, Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi,
Kumamoto, Fukuoka, Nagasaki, Sasebo.
May...A-bomb targets were narrowed to Kyoto, Hiroshima and Niigata.
June...Kyoto was scratched from the list. Targets were Kokura, Hiroshima
and Niigata.
July(25th) Order to drop on Hiroshima, Kokura, Niigata, Nagasaki.
(31st) Hiroshima was chosen as a priority target.
August (1st) Niigata was scratched from the list.
(3rd) Final order set the day of attack as August 6 -- Hiroshima,
Kokura and Nagasaki were targets.
(6th) A-bombing on Hiroshima.
(9th) A-bombing on Nagasaki. |
++Before the Bombing++
>>The night before the A-bombing (August 5)
From the evening of August 5, 1945, to the early morning of August
6, sirens and air-raid warnings were sounded frequently. City residents
passed a fitful night. On the morning of August 6, the alarms finally stopped,
the all-clear siren sounded, and that morning began like any other, with
people hurrying to work and with those mobilized for demolition work heading
to their assigned sites.
>>Hiroshima City
The area sandwiched between the Honkawa and Motoyasu Rivers was the
downtown shopping and entertainment district since the end of the Shogunate
government (1867), through the Meiji period and into the Taisho era, which
ended in 1925. Large shops lined along a shopping arcade in Nakjima-Honmachi.
Tenjin-machi, Motoyanagi-machi and Nakajima-Shinmachi were also a shopping
area. Zaimoku-cho and Kobiki-cho were a lumber trading area. Many old temples
and shrines of historical value also stood.
Because of the threat of air-raids, however, much of Tenjin-machi,
Kobiki-cho, and Nakajima-Shinmachi was demolished for fire lanes. Some
pupils at the Nakajima and Honkawa national schools were evacuated to rural
>>Air raid
In early 1945, the American military began indiscriminate incendiary
bombing at night, flying in huge formations, repeatedly attacking numerous
targets throughout Japan, including medium and even small cities.
Hiroshima had thus far escaped this kind of air attack, but to halt
the spread of fires and create open areas for refuge in the case of large-scale
air attacks, wooden houses were demolished, and air-raid shelters were
built for individual homes and for each neighborhood association. Fire-prevention
and evacuation drills took place regularly.
++After the bombing++
>>The atomic bombing (August 6).
8:15 A.M., August 6, 1945, Hiroshima was a picturesque, quiet city.
Then with a blinding flash and a deafening roar, a single bomb burned into
to the ground. An entire city was instantly destroyed beyond recognition.
Nearly all people and buildings within a two-kilometer radius of
the hypocenter were killed or destroyed. By the end of the year approximately
140,000 were dead or missing, nearly half of the almost 350,000 residents.
>>Cremating bodies.
Tremendous numbers of unidentified corpses were piled up and cremated
on the spot. The injured and irradiated continued to die. Day and night
in every corner of the city, corpses are piled upon the corpses and burned.
>>Scorched plain
Hiroshima was a charred plain as far as the survivors eyes could
see. Survivors claim they could stand Hiroshima statue and see Ujina port.
Those who entered the city out of concern for relatives or help with relief
efforts were exposed to residual radiation. To add to the misery,the city
was flooded by rain that fell from the massive Makurazaki Typhoon.